Saturday, March 14, 2009


The iPhone has a number of fitness applications. Many are free so I've been giving them a shot. Today before my ride I opened Fitnio and clicked on the bike. Two simple clicks. It then began tracking my mileage and calories. I thought this was pretty cool.When I got home I was pleased to see it was accurate. Then it suggested that I log onto the web site associated with it. Sure, why not. It gave me a map of my ride along with stats for each mile and elevation! More data to play with!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who is watching?

This blog was started our of curiosity for blogging, then it became a good way to keep track of our bike tours. Eventually it morphed into a great way for my sister and I to keep up communication.

Eventually I added Sitemeter to observe traffic and see how many countries I could get to hit my site, just for kicks.Now I'm very curious, someone recently has been reading this blog that I work with. I don't know who. Sitemeter shows they are on the network for the company I work for. I wonder if they will leave a comment? =)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I feel like Benjamin Button

Today was my birthday and I had a wonderful day!

Pre-20's I dreaded birthdays. In my 20's I was indifferent to them. When I turned 30 they were OK and every year since they have gotten better.

When I walked into work this morning my cube was decorated with balloons and a banner. Then I got a talking card. The Charlie Brown teacher was telling me something important - I didn't catch it. Then another co-worker brought in cupcakes and my friends sang a lovely rendition of "Happy Birthday". After work my husband took me to dinner and then to Pet Palace to pick up a gift.

A perfect day! Who could ask for more? =)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mud, Snow, and Ice

The 2009 biking season has begun!!

Saturday March 7th warmed up to 59ยบ! We threw the bikes on the back on the car and drove to Tobyhanna State Park for our first ride of the season. The trail started with deep snow but cleared up after the first hill.
The rest of the trail was a mix of mud and ice patches. This was my first ride on ice since the "mishap" last summer so I was excited to ride through most of the patches without incident.

This year we have a number of long weekends planned and hope to get in quite a few tours.